Unsupported To Supported | An Exploration of IT

Unsupported To Supported

Posted by Jeff Scripter on May 05, 2019 ·


Ever wonder how automation is accomplished when there are no supporting PowerShell cmdlets from Microsoft? How do people figure out exactly what process is done and automate it? Come with us as we show you how to dig into Configuration Manager through WMI and SQL to find out what is going on under the covers, and how to take that knowledge to make supported automation!

What you will learn:

  • How SQL Profiler works.
  • How to dig into WMI with free tools.
  • How to find what WMI and SQL calls the Admin Console is using to perform actions.


Ryan Ephgrave (@EphingPosh)


License (License)

All Code and work is open sourced under the above license. Please use and share, but credit me and my peers for our work.